QuickCAM Systems annouces SpeedCut – A Game Changer for Nesting

QuickCAM Systems announces an all new cutting algorithm for NBM.

The all new QuickCAM SpeedCut is for NBM nested based panel manufacturers and is the new “Game Changing” nesting program which is now widely used and proving to be an instant success with increases of up to 20% on the volume of parts processed.

“Gaining efficiency is key to sustainability in our industry, the SpeedCut feature provided us a REAL efficiency gain. Thank you Pete & the team for your ability to add a customized feature to our business!” Mark Farquhar, KT3 – Group of Companies

In addition to this we have identified other substantial savings regarding tooling costs, maintenance and machine wear all showing savings of up to 35%, not to mention reduced labour and power consumption.

Read more about SpeedCut – Advance Nested Cutting.